In this third installment of her smash edging series, Nicky Epstein outdoes herself yet again, designing decorative finishes for any type of garment. Like its predecessors, Knitting Beyond the Edge explores trailblazing territory, this time focusing on cuffs and collars using stitch patterns, lace, ribs, and cords in a variety of styles; closures that include unusual buttonhole treatments, I-cord frogs, and button bands; corners and angles with unique stitch patterns and shapings; and new ways to use knitted leaves, bobbles, flowers, and purchased pieces such as trims and buttons as embellishments.
As with the other two books in the series, each swatch is accompanied by detailed, step-by-step instructions. Additionally, each chapter features a beautiful, one-of-a-kind fashion garment. Both novice knitters and longtime fans of Nicky will relish this masterful collection!